summer 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

This summer is filled with many places to go, things to see and playdates to coordinate. Though the studio blog will be on the quiet side I will continue to design and fill orders.

Enjoy the start of Summer!

a noteworthy idea for noteworthy ideas

In mid-March I was determined to log my ideas, creative inspirations and hopes for Thumbprint. This isn't about reinforcing big ideas. Those I can remember on my own. The documentation is meant to help me remember ideas that might fall to the wayside now but might eventually become a good idea with additional time and thought.

I take my notes electronically, which includes sending myself text messages. This is a good method for me so I was thrilled to learn about which will take this method from good to great.

Evernote allows you to capture what you want to remember using your computer, the web or your phone. Your information is run through their recognition technology, it syncs up the info from all the devices you use then lets you notate and organize your stuff. You can find things using their search and filter functions.

With Memorial Day around the corner to kick-off the summer season I'm sure I'll be out and about and making great use out of their mobile device platform. Snap. Tap. Send.

one-on-one interview | jack and molly

What would you like to tell us about yourself?
Jack and Molly is a creative business owned and operated by a Graphic Designer (Meredith) and a Writer/Artist (Henrietta)! We named our company after our sweetie pies- Jackson is 1 1/2 and Molly is only a few months young.

Is Jack and Molly a full-time job? What is your profession?
Jack and Molly is unfortunately only part-time fun. However, we are proud to say our response time for projects is pretty darn fast!

Where do you find inspiration?
Absolutely everywhere. Henrietta and I both are collectors of all things- driftwood, interesting scraps of paper, fabric, and, we aren’t ashamed to say, bits of things other might see as trash! Henrietta has a whole stash of wooden roof shingles she is using as canvas. We also do a good bit of photography and other hands-on art forms. We love nature, our families, color theory, typography, recycling, saving animals, vintage delights, and funny stuff.

What are you favorite professional resources?
The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst: Honestly, a book any designer should read and highlight cover to cover. A history of typography is necessary to know what you are doing!
History of Graphic Design by Philip Meggs: Again, a foundation of what has been successful and visually appealing in the past is a necessity. The images in this book are true eye candy.

Can you describe what types of design services Jack and Molly offers and/or how your artwork has been used in the past?
Oh, wow. Lots and lots of logos, business card designs, custom mixed media artwork, blog banners, mixed media art prints, wedding invitations, custom illustrations, posters, postcards, email blasts, tee shirt designs, and more! We are almost always interested in any kind of design work you throw our way. Jack and Molly is a creative outlet for us- so we enjoy it ALL.

How much of your time is spent exchanging ideas with clients, presenting your sketches, refining your sketches and producing the final artwork?
Every design process is entirely its own. We have many methods for gathering as much data in the initial phases of a project- cutting down on miscommunication. Ultimately, we work until we know our client is not only 100% happy but so excited they show all of their friends, family, co-workers, and clients.

What tips can you provide a potential client who would like to have a digital image illustrated?
Do as much research as possible. Look around. Save links online. Sketch. Keep your eyes open and gather everything into a “visual library”. The more you see what is out there, the better idea you’ll have for your own design.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
We also rescue animals- mostly dogs (maybe an occasional squirrel or cat!) We rescue dogs from euthanizing shelters and then foster them until we find permanent, loving homes. We also donate artwork and design services to animal rescue groups. We are definite animal LOVERS!

Overall, we just want to provide art and design services for reasonable prices to good people. We are constantly growing and changing and adding new services and products. We want to always be fresh, inspiring, kind, and resourceful.

So just how did I find the talented, professional and affordable services of Jack and Molly? I was looking to collaborate creatively with a graphic artist on a thumbprint logo that would mine. All mine!

It was important to me to work with someone who is removed from the everyday operations of Thumbprint. To work with someone who is differently inspired and, most importantly, works on logos a lot. A lot. A lot. A lot.

For those of you bloggers and small business owners who are feeling stuck (graphically), I have to tell you how happy I am with my new logo. You too can have one that is yours. All yours!

a sneak peak

This blog header is a sneak peak at my brand new logo. I'm still working on the final layout. More details to come on Monday.

What do you think?

that's a wrap!

I'm a sucker for product packaging.

I don't remember when I developed a love for merchandise presentations but it is a meaningful part of my professional career {outside of my Thumbprint world} and my personal consumer behavior.

The recessionista in me thinks long and hard about purchasing non-essential items but when the time came to buy an athletic jump rope, I spent twice as much money as I needed to. Why? I loved the quality of the item and the re-usable and inspirational shopping bag that came with the purchase.

{I love that little bag!} This is the power of good product packaging at work.

The environmentalist in me considers wasteful packaging when I make electronics purchases. Nothing irks me more than having to open a big, plastic bubble that is hermetically sealed and nearly impossible to open without a blade just to get to something the size of your thumb. I avoid purchasing things that are packaged like this.

{Ugh!} This is the power of bad product packaging at work.

When I was determining my own packaging for Thumbprint Trading Cards I had several considerations in mind:
  1. Showcase the product and brand
  2. Protect the product from physical damage {such as being crushed, creased or wet}
  3. Use recyclable and/or recycled materials as much as possible
Product Packaging
As I mentioned in a previous post, I put a lot of thought, time and design into this packaging. In thinking about the growth of my little design studio I wanted to ensure my packaging was appropriate for a retail display {either hanging from a peg or nestled in a small fixture}.

I hadn't realized just how versatile the packaging would end up being. I now use this template to package note and appointment cards, media kit samples and felt card holders.

For larger orders of Thumbprint Trading Cards, I package cards in a recycled 2" x 2" x 2" box only after I have audited and approved the order. Then the boxes are sealed with an approval sticker and prepared for shipping.

Shipment Packaging
Depending on what reusable shipping materials I have on hand and the size of the item I am shipping, the packaging changes. However there are several things that are constant.
  1. The product itself is protected with a layer of recyclable tissue paper or reused packaging materials such as unmarked cardstock inserts I have saved from personal packages
  2. The exterior of reused packages are unmarked by prior shipment details
  3. I include business cards and a brief thank you note or thank you sticker
Has all this talk got you thinking about lovely packages? Check out one of my favorite blogs. Luckily my inner-recessionista has pretty good self-control.